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Manage client coaching sessions

Posted on 11 August 2022 03:52 pm

In addition to a copy of all the sessions defined in the template which is assigned to your client, you can completly customize the program to their requirements and to meet your agreed commitments. 

When you first open the client specific Active program, you'll see all the description details for the program, and associated attachments.

  • Clicking on the headings of each widget area will exand that so you can edit the details contained within.
  • Click the Sessions heading to expand the sessions list and proceed to tweak each session accordingly or leave as is if no change is required.

Selecting each session will display (in the middle column) the session description and an area where you can add Session Notes and Homework.

NOTE: Homework cannot be added until you have specified Program Goals in the top right.

Reorganize sessions:

  • Session order can be changed just by dragging them around or using the up and down arrows.

Want more sessions?

  • If you find the program or client will require an additional Adhoc session which wasn't part of the template, then just click the plus sign and add a new session to the program. Feel free to move it around so that the order makes sense for you.