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Session attachments

Posted on 11 August 2022 03:27 pm

Running standard programs means you follow a specific sequence. Not necessarily suitable to all types of coaching, but let's explore the business coaching / consulting approach to demonstrate this feature.

In a program template you might have specific topics that you will cover with your client. Educating them so that they can apply the knowledge quickly in their business and you can step back into coaching them to achieve their goal. 

An example of this could be Financials:

  • To educate your client on Financials, you have build a within the business coaching template a sessions called financials.
    • Within this are also some attachments that you use to explain the topic more clearly with images or a PDF.
  • Your template not only has an outline of what you should cover in this session, it also has all the resources you need to educate and hold your client accountable.
    • You can save a standard XLS Spreadsheet as a template attached to this specific session, which you download and give to your client as homework for them to complete.
    • Then when you return to this session and make notes of their progress, you can upload their completed work as attachments in their Active program, which does not show up on the Template because it is specific to their client Active program. Their live coaching program.