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Getting Started

Since the introduction of group programs, if you have access to this feature, your menu will have changed slightly. Dashboard Templates = Manage program templates and assign them to individuals...
To navigate easily throughout the system, you need to remember two things: A single mouse click on an item selects it. A double click opens that item for editing. Besides these two critical ...
If you have your clients ready to go, and the coaching program templates prepared, then what you need to do next is to Assign a template to a client, thereby making that an Active program. To assi...
Global templates are similar to your own Private templates except these are provided to you as part of your subscription plan. In essence these are not yours, but you can use them as needed. Depen...
The reason you should have clients added first is because you would be unable to start any coaching program without clients. So, what is a "Coaching Program"? It is the coaching engagement you hav...
Don't worry, no one will be emailed anything iuntil you start engaging them with homework assignments. the first time you send them homework will trigger their account creation which will send the...